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2020-07-29 11:39:49  深圳教师招聘网  阅读::次  我要留言( )  收藏简历
姓     名 焦白云 专     业 TESOL对外英语教学
学     历 硕士 性     别
毕业院校 英国诺丁汉大学 年     龄 23
政治面貌 中共党员 现居住地 深圳龙华
教     龄 1年 职  称
求职意向 初高中英语,雅思,口语老师 兴趣或特长 运动,油画,摄影

2014-2015/ 2015-2016/ 2017-2018/ 2018-2019
12/2016 院级英语演讲比赛二等奖


2018.09-2019.09 英国诺丁汉大学(TESOL对外英语教学专业)
2014.09-2018.06 贵州师范大学(英语专业)GPA 3.1/4.0 前5%

英语专业八级、CELTA PASS B(剑桥成人英语教学证书高分通过)、教师资格证(高中英语)、剑桥商务英语中级、雅思7.5分。


2018.9-至今 自由教师(线上英语老师,教授初高英语口语,英语专业八级培训,专接本英语学科培训及成人口语相关课程)
2017.07-2018-02 贵阳睿智教育培训学校(中小学英语教师,全职)
2016.05-2017.06 青岩古镇(英语导游,兼职)
2017.05-2017.05 靖翔体育旅游文化有限公司(陪同翻译,兼职)
2018.09-2019.09 校TESOL专业学科学生代表
2019.06 诺丁汉大学校友会(志愿者)
2017.06 生态文明论坛(英文志愿者)
2016.09 第六届中国酒类博览会(英文志愿者)


I consider myself an open-minded, honest, drive person in teaching and most importantly a big fan of education, which was the main reason why I studied TESOL at the University of Nottingham. Besides, I would like to mention that I am a very positive and motivated person and I have many hobbies. I like sports, drawing, traveling, collecting fridge magnets, and collecting plants. These hobbies have also helped me in my teaching because my students are curious about these hobbies. So I would say my personality makes me a funny and beloved teacher. As for my teaching theories, I have always believed that education has tremendous influence and can make a person change completely, therefore, I spent more time researching teaching methodologies more suitable for my students. I also value the importance of Communication Language Teaching(CLT) and Total Physical Response(TPR) in the classroom because they regard students as the center and value the development of each student.


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